HR Forms and Letters

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What is Harvard Style of Writing

Harvard style, also known as "author-date," where in the system commonly used in social and science papers. This writing style mostly used in academic citation method throughout the world.

It is also commonly use in References and citations style when giving credit to concepts and ideas that will use as basis for your own conclusions throughout your research process. Moreover, mostly used by student in writing term paper if they will work on a longer-term research project.

Related Materials: letter format style of forms business research  writing guides forms 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

MLA Rules and Guidelines

When you are planning to prepare a paper using the format of MLA writing style, there are major considerations that must be followed as well as the some technical issues on citation and bibliography.

 In writing a Research Assignments, the format should be typed on paper size no larger that 8.5 x 11 (letter size), should used double spaced, spacing, either using Times New Roman, or Courier or Arial font.

 One space should be inserted between all punctuation marks used.

 Margins should be set one inch for all sides of the paper

 All paragraphs must be indented one inch using the set tab from the left side margin of the page.

 There should be a Headers on each page (continuously) in the upper right hand corner displaying the page numbers of the essay consecutively (format on headers will be based on what professor required or asked)

 If there are endnotes in the paper work, they should be placed on the bottom page, right before your works cited page.

For a more detailed look at the rules and guidelines regarding formats and writing there is one book from MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (6th edition), and MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (2nd edition). For those who have internet access, all MLA writing style rules can be found on a site built by the people at Owl at Purdue.

Nevertheless, course of the rules will be changed based on what the professor asked or required, and student should strictly followed what professor required them to use and consider.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Advantages of APA Writing Format

There are multiple formats exist in writing a papers, whether the papers are academic or professional or for just personal usage. These formats includes APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, Harvard etc...

All of these formats have advantages and disadvantages, however, APA has many advantages that are much concentrated on the writing itself. It's clearly deliver the advantage through the use of format and it's has been used by many students and professional writers. Aside from the fact that APA are documented in a manner of image-friendly, non-reliance on footnotes or endnotes and easy to understand and edits, if required.

APA formatting is used by a large number of fields. This means that the odds of having to restructure a paper according to a journal's editorial guidelines is minimized, since the majority of journals have APA as their format preference. It also means that one need not learn multiple formats to write papers on different topics (fields).

The documentation for APA is extensive. One advantage of using this format over others is that it is easy to find a reference for it. Not only does the official manual for APA get revised and reissued frequently, but new sites are placed online routinely with guidelines and examples that one can view or download for free.

APA guidelines are very image-friendly---i.e., they lend themselves well to the inclusion of graphs, charts and figures. This allows an author or researcher to present data in a manner other than prose, which may improve the reader's ability to understand the overall concept or content of the work. This is especially true for the science fields, in which dozens of numbers and comparisons may need to be listed.

APA generally does not use footnotes or endnotes. Instead, it uses in-text citations in addition to a full reference page. The in-text citation use means that a reader does not have to leave off reading and move to another spot on the page or in the work to know what source is being used, since the source is contained within the text itself. This can be less distracting and make the reading of the material seem less involved or cumbersome.

APA formatting requires double spacing in most instances. This allows for ease in hard copy editing, since there is space between each line in which to make marks and editorial comments. The spacing also can make the work seem less intimidating, since there are fewer words per page than in a single-spaced format.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Another Definition of MLA Style of Writing

"MLA (Modern Language Association) style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. This resource, updated to reflect the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th ed.) and the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (3rd ed.), offers examples for the general format of MLA research papers, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the Works Cited page. "

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What is MLA Style of Writing?

  • MLA style briefly explain and includes parenthetical citations in the text keyed in an alphabetical list of works cited which appears at the end of each work.

  • MLA writing format or Modern Language Association is used commonly when students will write papers in the liberal arts and humanities field.

Research Papers and Forms